The Beauty of Spain's Flora: 5 Iconic Trees, Flowers & 12 Protected Species
Are you the type of person who knows their country’s national flower and tree? Well, that makes two of us!
Welcome to Flora in Spain! Did you know that Spanish flora is one of the most diverse florea in the world? 🌸🌳🌿
I didn’t either! But as a spaniard myself (and author to the blog), I had to include a category on Spanish Flora when I found out.
And this is it! I really hope you like it, because some of these posts have been very fun to write.
For example…
Discover the Beauty of Spain’s Flora: 5 Iconic Trees, Flowers & 12 Protected Species and learn about My top 9 Flowers in Spain, Flowering Season, and City Festivals.
Get to know the 3 Major Categories of Plants in Spain before designing your dream garden, and explore 9 Native Tree Species in Spain for fellow tree enthusiasts.
Check out the Top Spanish Trees: Charts of Names and Locations That Come Handy and admire the One National Flower of Spain & Its Beautiful Meaning.
Join me in celebrating the vibrant and captivating world of Spain’s flora! 🌺🍃
Are you the type of person who knows their country’s national flower and tree? Well, that makes two of us!
Do you have any flower festivals in your hometown? Well, if you want to create one for your city or town, you should …
You are here because you just typed “plants of Spain,” am I right? I am guessing you are a florist, a biologist, or a …
Did you know that 37% of our territory is covered in forests? I know it is not THAT much, but I have to tell you that we …
Can I ask you a question? How come you are looking for Spanish tree names? If you are an Arborist or Botanist and want …
Why does a country need a national flower? I don’t know, but we have one, and if you are reading this, it means …